A Newcomer’s Guide: Where Can Students Go For Study Help?

There is always a point in one’s education when they wish they could get more help with their work, whether it be an essay, some math problems, studying for an exam, or otherwise. I’ve never been great at asking for this type of support, but transferring to a new school made it all the more difficult. 

I had heard that Skyline offers tutoring for all students and subjects, but I wasn’t quite sure how to access those resources. The Writing Center, located on the fourth floor, is one of these valuable tutoring assets.

“We provide lots of different types of help; obviously, we help with writing, but you don’t have to have a finished piece of writing, you can just have an assignment, and we’ll help you brainstorm and help you figure out what to do with it,” said Writing Center teacher Alaina Feliks. “Honestly we just help people figure out how to approach their project, you know sometimes your project might be kinda big or multi-step, a lot of times we might help with how to chunk it out, how to stay organized through a big project, we pretty much help with whatever people need when they come here.”

Despite its name, Writing Center tutors provide assistance with more subjects than just writing for your English class–they also help with different languages, sciences, and social studies. Truthfully, they will aid you in just about any subject.

Lorenzo Soto Booker tutors fellow student Elaina Sammour in the Writing Center. (Photo credit: Jaeden Klassen)

Students are able to visit the Writing Center any time during the school day, but there is also an option to send in your tutor request online here!

“[Students can] get help through our online writing lab, which is open…24 hours a day,” said Feliks. “If they submit a piece of work through there and say what they need help with, they usually get help within 24-48 hours.”

However, the ideal person to go to for math assistance is Jeff Oleksinski, also known as Mr. O, who is located in room C310. He is a math teacher here at Skyline, and therefore is best equipped to help in this area. 

“We try to provide tutoring in the morning before school, at lunch, or after school,” said Oleksinski. “But I do have a list of tutors, because sometimes that [time frame] doesn’t work for students.”

Additional tutoring is available in the library, after school, on Tuesdays and Thursdays; the teachers involved in this are Ms. Patterson, Dr. Cole, Ms. MacKercher, and Ms. Royer. 

Even your teachers, peers, and family members are a great resource to utilize when looking to get tutored. There are people all around you who can help – all you have to do is ask.