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The Skyline Post

The Skyline Post

The Skyline Post

Senior Statement: A Letter to My 9th Grade Self

Senior Statement: A Letter to My 9th Grade Self

Lizzy Beck June 7, 2023

Dear 9th grade me,  I know you’re not that nervous about high school and you think everything is going to be the same from middle school. Spoiler alert: it’s not. No matter how much you worry about...

Student Graduation Speaker Aaralyn Huhn ('23). Credit: S. Thomas and D. Hurtado-Cardenas

Student Speaker at Graduation is Aaralyn Huhn: Future Nurse, Current Potter

Kathryn Plotner June 5, 2023

How were you chosen to give the student speech? Apparently, there were 11 speeches that entered and they anonymously selected my speech. What was writing the speech like? Honestly, writing it...

List of Who is Doing What Next Year:      Skyline's Post-Graduate Choices

List of Who is Doing What Next Year: Skyline’s Post-Graduate Choices

Ryan Rzeszut and Nathaniel Werns June 5, 2023

  ​ Congratulations to all!  Here are the plans that the class of 2023 chose to share with The Post.  Note:  a missing name is not an error.  Many graduates are still...

Micheal Mychaliska and Avivah Mitchel Accept Their Awards After Being Nominated for "Most Likely to Save the Environment." Credit: Jaeden Klassen

Senior Spotlight Shines Light on Bright Students 

Phoebe Spadafore June 4, 2023

High school is a significant time in a student's life where we form experiences, practice for growth, and work hard.  Each year, the senior class votes to recognize classmates with the Senior Spotlight...

“It makes me feel good to see [students] feel pride about themselves and their work. It has nothing to do with me career wise…I saw them get like excited and they had to get more critical…It helps me because it makes us feel proud of our students…My students are my artwork, my students are my portfolio.” Credit: Video Recording

Faculty Speaker at Graduation is Ceramics Teacher Candace O’Leary: “I’m honored that they would want that closing moment with me”

Kathryn Plotner June 4, 2023

How were you were chosen to be the faculty graduation speaker? I have no idea. I thought it was a senior prank, to be honest. I think they thought they were funny, at first…but I think it's the result...

The pressure on Ann Arbor students to get into UM is real: "I wish I didn’t feel like I had to lie" Credit: J. Simonte.

Senior Reflection: Why I Lied

Bella Simonte June 2, 2023

I’ve lived in Ann Arbor my entire life. All six of my father’s siblings went to the University of Michigan, as did my grandfather, our family friends, and their parents. Every alumnus is beyond proud...

New college roommates get to know each other. Credit: Creative Commons.

How To Find a College Roommate

Kat Bauer June 2, 2023

Getting into college is already stressful enough, but finding a freshman year dorm mate is almost as hectic. Going through the respective class of ‘27 Instagrams in order to find someone who could potentially...

Outside the Cube at Skyline (Credit: Isaac Mack)

Solving Skyline’s CUBE: Inadequate Staffing, Other Issues Limit Students’ Opportunities

Isaac Mack June 2, 2023

Since its inception in 2011, Skyline’s College & Career Center, or “CUBE,” has fluctuated  between being a busy operation teeming with students and a relatively empty room with little to no...

Being away from your friends can be hard (Credit: Olivia Palmbos)

“Change is hard, but don’t be afraid of it”: Alumni’s Tips and Tricks for Keeping Up with Friends in College

Olivia Palmbos June 2, 2023

As the reality of graduation sets in for seniors, many students may begin to wonder: how will I keep up with friends from high school after splitting up for college?  "It's really hard to maintain...

Jake tries to stop his brother from leaving for college (Credit: Evelyn Edlund)

I Think My Dog Has Abandonment Issues: Leaving Home and Leaving Your Dog Behind

Evi Edlund June 1, 2023

Whenever we leave, our dogs may destroy couches and steal shoes. They get violently and disgustingly upset – similar to toddlers dropping their ice cream. How do you go off to college and leave your...

Skyline Graduation. Credit: Meredith Giltner.

Senior Reflections

Maja Smith June 1, 2023

Before we go onto college, trade school, or whatever path life leads us on, our seniors have reflections to share on their Skyline experience.  Q: Most influential organization/magnet/sport that you...

The Met Gala Comes To Ann Arbor: What Were People Wearing And Why?

The Met Gala Comes To Ann Arbor: What Were People Wearing And Why?

Sarina Thomas and Diego Hurtado-Cardenas June 1, 2023

This year’s Met Gala theme gave attendants a broad panorama of options, from stylish, innovative examples, to funnier and groundbreaking looks. The Skyline Post noticed multiple students showing...

A Skyline Student Begins To Write Their Resume. Credit: Ryan Rzeszut

Resumes: What They Are, Why You Need One, And How To Write It

Ryan Rzeszut May 31, 2023

Whether you’ll be walking across the stage at graduation this year or are just starting your high school journey, a resume is very important and something you will definitely need to have as you start...

Skyline Graduation. Credit: Meredith Giltner.

“It’s Bittersweet:” Teachers Say Goodbye to the Class of 2023

Lance Caswell May 31, 2023

The seniors are leaving. It's a reality teachers face with each year’s senior class. This time of year is always difficult for teachers despite the normality of the occasion. “When the seniors leave,...

Teddy Castro Morales ('23). Credit: Teddy Castro Morales.

If you Think High School was Hard, Wait Until You Hear About What These Students are Doing!

Cate Howard May 31, 2023

While many students are shopping for dorm supplies and putting their party hats on, others face the daunting task of fighting for our nation. Graduating high school presents a world full of wonderful opportunities...

Notorious Graduation Movies to Watch During Grad Season

Notorious Graduation Movies to Watch During Grad Season

Natalia Murrell May 31, 2023

Growing up, I would always watch movies about high schoolers, counting down the days until I could be one of the teenage characters I loved on the silver screen. Whether a flashy musical or a trashy comedy,...

Tim Hewko. Credit: Tim Hewko.

Gap Years: Why Three Students Have Chosen To Take Them

Michael Mychaliska May 31, 2023

As The Post began to write the Graduation Issue for the Class of 2022-23, one thing became clear: student plans vary much more widely at Skyline after graduation than it appears. While most Skyline seniors...

The Setting and decor. Credit: Amita Nathan

What are the Best Restaurants for Graduation Night?

Sara Zubieta and Bella Simonte May 31, 2023

Mani Osteria: 341 E Liberty St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Famously known as the best pizza in Ann Arbor, Mani Osteria is an Italian bar and restaurant that specializes in family style dining. The restaurant...

Slade After a Shot, credit: Golf Association of Michigan

Skyline Golf Senior: Andrew Slade

Will Pace May 30, 2023

This season for Skyline’s boys golf team has been largely successful, and a lot of that is thanks to senior Andrew Slade (‘23). He has helped lead them to the Washtenaw County Title, and taken upon...

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