We all know about the Skyline Talent show, however, do you know about how it’s planned or organized? You have more power when planning events than you know. Buckle down and get ready, future event planning prodigies, because this

step-by-step guide will have you excited and ready to become the next Skyline talent show event planner.
1) Get in contact
You should have a teacher backing you on this journey. One teacher to contact is Nicholas Bertsos, as he has some experience planning the past two talent shows. “Purely student-led things are few and far between, and having your vision come to fruition can be really awesome when you’re younger… it can lead to something really weird and special.” Says Nicholas Bertsos.
Chris Zinger is another person you may need to get in contact with. He is the Skyline tech teacher and organizes audio and visual tech for most shows in the auditoriums. He can help with ideas, possible dates, and location.
You will also need to contact Ms. Sissoko. She will confirm that your plans are approved with the administration, solidify dates, and help you get a better idea of what needs to happen behind the scenes.
2) Advertise
Making a poster is crucial to the success of the show. The poster should include dates for both the auditions and the talent show itself. A rehearsal date can be emailed to contestants later. Finally, include a QR code for sign up. Additionally, this poster should get stamped at the fourth floor integrity office. After you have everything stamped and ready to go, you can print copies and put them up around the school.

You will want to broadcast your talent show in the announcements. Type the announcement up and send it to your teacher in charge so that they can submit it to the morning announcement form.
Posting an advertisement in the skytime slides is also a great way to announce the talent show. You can make this slide and send it to Anne Bezeau.
Another way to Advertise is through Instagram. There is a Skyline talent show Instagram which includes advertisements and information about the talent show.
Finally, you can also have a bake sale for funds. You will have to go to Ms.Sissoko and fill out a fundraising form. Funds can be used for prizes, decorations, etc.
Make sure everyone who signed up gets an informational email leading up to the audition. Let people know what to expect, where to go after school, and alternatives if they can’t make the audition, such as emailing video auditions or coming the other day.
Make sure to plan what we need for the auditions and rehearsals (pianos, mics, instruments, chairs etc). Inform your contestants that their acts should be no longer than around five minutes.
After the rehearsal, make a list of who is going and when, and in what order. Email this list and other crucial information to the contestants and other people involved.
3) Shows and Rehearsals
For auditions, bring your computer so you can have the contestants give you their music. You can have people email or

text their music to you so you can download it to your computer at home in case you don’t have wifi day of. Make sure everything you are putting on screen or playing is downloaded.
Another important step is getting tech people. You will need a light person, and someone to draw the curtain and be backstage. This person can also help move mics and chairs off the stage, and escort people backstage. you and the tech teacher will be handling sound for the show.
You can recruit teachers to judge at this point. You should also think about recruiting an MC to fill the silence between acts and introduce the acts (this can be more than one person).
4) The show
Ensure you have communicated properly throughout the process. We want the contestants, skyline staff and students to be very aware it’s happening. The contestants should know where to go after school, and what should be prepared beforehand.
When the talent show is done, let the teachers know to go backstage and deliberate. Have someone announce the winners (can be you), and huzzah, you did it!