“This is my 16th year at Skyline, I teach math….I like interacting with the students…it’s fun to see students learn, it’s fun to hear about their lives—you know, some students you meet when they’re in 9th grade and then you see them grow up through high school and it’s fun to just hear about their sports, and their activities, and their clubs, and all the things they do outside of school and inside of school—so yeah, I like that the best about teaching. I like to stand in the hallway and wave to people too. Basically, the key ingredient [for teaching] is figuring out where the struggle is happening. Sometimes students are very unclear, ‘I don’t get this,’ but you ask questions, try to draw it out. Do you understand the first step? Do you understand the second step? Like where is the actual struggle coming from, and let’s address that….You know, I’m not a surgeon, but [I] use that sort of ‘surgeon tool’ to figure out exactly where the issue’s coming from.”