For teacher appreciation week here at Skyline, The Post asked students to “Name a teacher who impacted you in a positive way and what they did.”
Here are a few responses:

“When I was stressing over multiple exams and multiple tests, [Ms. Ray] just showed me support and just said to do your best and your best is enough. ”
– Zoey Wang (‘23)

“I ran by Mr. Bickel in the hallway a couple of days ago, and he pulled me aside and basically just congratulated me with almost being done with high school. I have known him since sixth grade and he just gave me some nice words and wished me well going off to college.”
– Andrew Slade (‘23)

“I think Ms. Sietz was an incredible teacher. She cared about how you were doing and would ask about how your day was going and she just really impacted me positively in that way.”
– Maja Smith (‘23)

“Mr. Shannon was really important. He was a great teacher. He taught me not just about business but I feel like he got to know me as more than just an average student through things like DECA. I’ve had him for four years now, I feel like he’s prepared me so much for college and the real world and I’m so grateful that I’ve gotten to know him over my time in high school.”
– Ryan Rzeszut (‘23)

“My teacher [Ms. Stark] from math my sophomore year had a huge impact on me. She made me feel like teachers are here to listen and they are interested in your life outside of school. She was also always there to help me no matter what it took. Although I don’t have her anymore, she is still always here to help. I go to her room every day to say hior to get help in another class. She was very welcoming to me along with many other students.”
– Sophia Marrs (‘24)

“Mrs. Warner made me feel welcomed the day I went into her classroom for biology and Skytime. She made me feel welcome. She has helped me enjoy the school. I enjoy having her Skytime every Wednesday. She gives me a very positive attitude!”
– Charlie Hazzi (‘25)

“Ms.Walker has positively influenced me every single Skytime. She’s the best Skytime teacher by far and I’m so happy I’m in it. We are currently working on a podcast as a group which is so fun and gives a lot of her students a fun activity to build skills and share out.”
– Matthew Christiansen (‘25)

“Miss Feasel has been one of the most supportive teachers that makes her classroom comfortable and still feel able to learn. She always explains the topic of assignments well.”
– Lumi Mott (‘26)

“I’m in Dr. Cole’s advisory, and he’s always been super welcoming and kind. He’s really funny and just in general just a great teacher to have.”
– Zoe Reichart (‘26)

“I had only had Mr. Ganio for one tri of whag, but he was a really good teacher and just an all around nice person. His class was really fun and he was just super understanding and nice.”
– Evi Edlund (‘26)

“I had Ms. Church for art and design in the second trimester. She gave us a lot of freedom in the class, which I really liked. She was also very caring and understanding, and she is definitely a teacher who I appreciate..”
– Josie Miller (‘26)