Skyline athletes constantly balance academics, sports performance, and practices. The grade check policy applies to every sport and season at Skyline.
Grade checks done by the staff working in the athletic office keep athletes in line with the standard that the name “student athlete” carries. The staff runs a report through PowerSchool on all athletes on a Skyline roster two times throughout the season. The school has two types of reports which they follow up on: report cards and progress reports.
Coaches and teachers receive emails from the athletic office about when the grade checks are and then the coaches inform the players.
Coaches are in support of the grade policy because it ensures the success of their team on and off the court. “I always check on the players to see if they are doing okay in school,” says varsity assistant coach Tim Kohn. “I tell the players to talk to your teachers and ask them questions if you’re struggling.”
A student athlete must be passing in at least four classes to be able to play and practice. This standard holds athletes accountable for their academics and ensures their success in high school.
Athletes understand the standards expected. “For me, it has always been fine, since I take care of business in the classroom,” says Alex Brabec (‘25). “I make sure to talk to all my teachers and study really hard. I check PowerSchool constantly so I can always get out there on the court.”
Knowing about grade checks is really important for student athletes. The most crucial steps for athletes to stay eligible are to check PowerSchool consistently, communicate with teachers if you are struggling, talk to your coaches, and turn your work in on time.