As the spring season comes around, our Skyline’s track team works hard with lots of diverse workouts and conditioning to get ready for their upcoming season.
Most track athletes run cross country in the fall and indoor track in the winter. “To prepare for spring track, most of our track athletes who don’t do other winter sports run the indoor season through our club, The Very Nice Track Club,” said Head Coach Serena Kessler. “They [can] compete in indoor meets throughout the winter.”
Irie Scrase (‘27), Becca Vanlent (‘27), and Nick Yuan (‘27) all run cross country in the fall and indoor track in the winter. “I do lots of conditioning and train just like I would in the spring, maybe even harder,” said Scrase. “I run indoor invitational meets and try out different events as well.”
Vanlent runs optional races on the weekends. “[This can] help me practice racing strategies and handling race day nerves,” said Vanlent.
“With indoor track season, [it] helps us get in shape and get some racing experience,” said Yuan.
In track, there are long distance runners and sprinters who are split up and do different workouts based on their event. “Both groups prioritize building strength and technique for injury prevention,” said Vanlent. “Sprinter workouts focus more on sprinting form power, while distance workouts are usually longer distance threshold repeats. Consistently showing up and running in the winter will build a stronger base of fitness so you can do higher volume and intensity workouts in the spring.”
Not only are track athletes constantly running, they are also trying to build up strength. “[We do] hill sprints [and] track repeat workouts,” said Scrase. “We also have lifts multiple times a week as well.”