Twisted Wonderland is a story based Japanese Disney mobile game inspired by various older Disney movies within the franchise. Each character within the game is based off a character from a Disney movie, the villains and the characters surrounding them. Recently, they have released an event in the English server game based on the Disney Movie: Pinocchio: the Playful Land Event.
During this release, two characters were revealed within the main story, Ernesto Foulworth and Gino. These two characters are based off the fox and cat villains in the movie, Honest John and Gideon.
The main group of characters that meet the two in the beginning are Ace Trappola, Floyd and Jade Leech, Ortho Shroud, Jack Howl, and Kalim Al-Asim. Later on in the chapters, a few more characters are revealed to join the groups adventure, including: Leona Kingscholar, Trey Clover, Cater Diamond, Vil Schoenheit, and Lilia Vanrouge.
The Playful Land Event is heavily story packed with many references to the movie and character personalities along with dynamics between the villains and various group members. For example, when we first meet Ernesto and Gino, the first impression they make when we bump into him is by apologizing and immediately recognizing them as “prestigious students from Night Raven College.” After he introduces himself and Gino, he proceeds to shower them in various compliments, such as calling them “cool,” “clever,” and “brilliant.” By doing this, he creates an overly trusting and suspiciously kind personality, in similarity to the same way Honest John did with Pinocchio in Pinocchio.
Ernesto and Gino are also extremely well written for characters meant to have only 1 event sighting. They go into great depth about their characters as poor men and underdogs, having a well written personality for people who are willing to do anything it takes to get what they want when it comes to money, stating that it’s what “makes the world go round.” Gino is also a well written representation for a mute character, going with the dynamic from the cat in Pinocchio, Gideon, who was also mute. He’s a good example for those who do not wish to speak and it portrays his silence and interactions accurately. He does this by giving nodding gestures to confirm or deny things when it comes to questions, making most interactions with him a question in order to get an answer without forcing some form of verbal response.
Another reason that this event can be something of interest is because of the in-depth details and references made throughout the event. For example, when we walk throughout the park, we find many rides that are references to the movie, such as a rollercoaster based off of the whale scene and an eight-ball shaped building based off the area Pinocchio played pool in with Lampwick. These two places can be often seen in the background of the scenes when interacting with the characters and throughout the story.
It sets the mood for everything extremely well, giving well developed characters and details to the event, ranging from references to the actual in-depth personalities of everyone and their interactions involved with ourselves and others. Overall, the event is easy to follow and fun to play, especially as the second Pinocchio based event in the game.