Flowers are a common gift for many occasions. Holidays, anniversaries, birthdays and weddings are all commonplace to see such elegant decorations bloom into the spotlight. These decorations, however, tend to wilt and decay over time.
An easy solution to this: look no further than their plastic counterparts, the Lego Botanical series. Consisting of 14 beautiful floral arrangements, there’s something for everyone. From a bouquet of roses to a full bonsai tree, these builds have endless possibilities. The Botanical Lego sets also range in price and can sometimes be more expensive than people are willing to pay, but some don’t think about the memories these plastic arrangements can bring.

For instance, sets such as the Lego Rose Bouquet or the Lego Wildflower Bouquet are perfect for any special occasion. Holding their vibrant color for a long time, these flowers don’t need water and won’t wilt. Sets like the Lego Bonsai Tree are also good because they don’t need to be tended to or trimmed; it stands frozen in time as a perfect decoration for a zen room. These sets also come with the fun of putting them together, adding the sentimental value into every single piece.
If it’s the experience of building and putting them together that you’re looking for, many of the sets in this series have multiple parts to them. The Mini Potted Plants set has 9 smaller builds inside the big set. Each of these can be displayed separately from one another or all together as a group. The Succulents set, containing 9 mini squares with different plants of all sizes, can be interlocked together or displayed separately.

Many of these sets also hold the possibility of building a sense of community with others around you. Late nights spent watching a movie, eating snacks and building a set with those special people can be the perfect way to strengthen your bonds with them. Whether it be giving these sets as a gift to one another, building these sets with others, or just simply finding people who share a fascination, the memories these pieces of plastic can bring are irreplaceable.
Legos are often thought of as a gift for a younger audience, people with time. Getting them for people you care about is a great way to revive their inner child and distract from any stress for a brief period. So if you’re in need of a sentimental gift for that special someone in your life, the Lego Botanical Series might not be such a bad idea.