A Night to Remember: Prom Night Photo Gallery

The Slow dance. Credit: Amita Nathan

A note on the photos depicting unmasked students: Skyline’s Covid safety protocols allowed students to unmask briefly for posed photos.

Q: What was your ride here?
A: “A Honda Civic.”
“A Chevy Equinox.”
(From left to right) Sean McBride, Gabe Karras. Credit: Amita Nathan
Q: Do you have pockets?
A: “No. I wish! I wish! Oh my god, do I wish they had pockets. These need to have pockets. She has a purse. She’s my boyfriend for the night, for the pockets.”
(From left to right) Leyla Williams, Nadya Babushkin. Credit: Amita Nathan
Q: What does prom mean to you?
A: “It’s just like an end of the year celebration. Yeah, it’s just kinda like a, like, I guess people look forward to it. Yeah. It’s just like an end-of-the-year kind of thing and everyone’s excited for it. Like a send-off for seniors.”
(From left to right) Saverio Telemaco, Ethan White. Credit: Amita Nathan
Q: Does prom feel like it seems in the movies?
A: “Ooh, umm, I guess. Yeah, a little bit. I kinda feel a little bit like a princess, not gonna lie. But it’s also a lot more tiring and expensive than it is in the movies. I agree with that whole statement. It was fun, we did the dinner, we did the pictures, but our feet hurt. That’s where we are.”
(From left to right) Jayda Douglas, Marley Ryckman. Credit: Amita Nathan


Q: How did you get ready for prom?
A:“Put our clothes on. Yeah, just one shoe at a time like everyone else, man. First I put the pants on, then I tucked in my shirt, then the vest, then the suit-jacket… You put your pants on first? Scratch that. Underwear first. Yeah, and then socks. And then everything else followed.”
(From left to right) Luca Bichakjian, Ethan Sung, Marco Geglio, Tej Thomas, Jack Bazzani, Luke Richards. Credit: Amita Nathan